Wednesday, May 31, 2006

get some new from past.


君子曰:学不可以已。青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。木 直中绳,揉以为轮,其曲中规,虽有槁暴,不复挺者,〔车柔〕使之然也。故木受 绳则直,金就砾则利。君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。
故不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深〔奚谷〕,不知地之厚也;不闻先王之遗 言,不知学问之大也。于越夷貉之子,生而同声,长而异俗,教使之然也。
吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也。吾尝〔足支〕而望矣,不如登高之博见 也。登高而招,臂非加长也,而见者远。顺风而呼,声非加疾也,而闻者彰。假舆 马者,非利足也,而致千里。假舟辑者,非能水也,而绝江河。君子生非异也,善 假于物也。

物类之起,必有所始。荣辱之来,必象其德。肉腐出虫,鱼枯生蠹。怠慢忘身 ,祸灾乃作。强自取柱,柔自取束。邪秽在身,怨之所构。施薪若一,火就燥也。 平地若一,水就湿也。草木畴生,禽兽群焉,物各从其类也。是故质的张而弓矢至 焉,林木茂而斧斤至焉,树成荫而众鸟息焉,醯酸而蚋聚焉。故言有召祸也,行有 招辱也,君子慎其所立乎!
积土成山,风雨兴焉。积水成渊,蛟龙生焉。积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备 焉。故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽 马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。蚓无爪牙之利, 筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇□(“擅”换虫 旁)之穴无可寄托者,用心躁也。是故无冥冥之志者,无昭昭之明。无〔忄昏〕〔 忄昏〕之事者,无赫赫之功。行衢道者不至,事两君者不容。目不能两视而明,耳 不能两听而聪。□(“腾”中“马”换“虫”)蛇无足而飞,梧鼠五枝而穷。诗曰 :“尸鸠在桑,其子七兮。淑人君子,其仪一兮。其仪一兮,心如结兮。”故君子 结于一也。
昔者瓠巴鼓瑟而流【沉】鱼出听,伯牙鼓琴而六马仰秣。故声无小而不闻,行 无隐而不形。玉在山而草木润,渊生珠而崖不枯。为善不积邪?安有不闻者乎! 学恶乎始?恶乎终?曰:其数则始乎诵经,终乎读礼。其义则始乎为士,终乎 为圣人。真积力久则入,学至乎没而后止也。故学数有终,若其义则不可须臾舍也 。为之,人也;舍之,禽兽也。故书者,政事之纪也。诗者,中声之所止也。礼者 ,法之大分,群类之纲纪也。故学至乎礼而止矣。夫是之谓道德之极。礼之敬文也 ,乐之中和也,诗书之博也,春秋之微也,在天地之间者毕矣。
君子之学也,入乎耳,箸乎心,布乎四体,形乎动静。端而言,蠕而动,一可 以为法则。小人之学也,入乎耳,出乎口,口耳之间则四寸耳,曷足以美七尺之躯 哉!古之学者为己,今之学者为人。君子之学也,以美其身。小人之学也,以为禽 犊。故不问而告谓之傲,问一而告二谓之〔口赞〕。傲,非也;〔口赞〕,非也; 君子如向矣。
百发失一,不足谓善射。千里跬步不至,不足谓善御。伦类不通,仁义不一, 不足谓善学。学也者,固学一之也。一出焉,一入焉,涂巷之人也。其善者少,不 善者多,桀纣盗跖也。全之尽之,然后学者也。
君子知夫不全不粹之不足以为美也,故诵数以贯之,思索以通之,为其人以处 之,除其害者以持养之。使目非是无欲见也,使耳非是无欲闻也,使口非是无欲言 也,使心非是无欲虑也。及至其致好之也,目好之五色,耳好之五声,口好之五味 ,心利之有天下。是故权利不能倾也,群众不能移也,天下不能荡也。生乎由是, 死乎由是,夫是之谓德操。德操然后能定。能定然后能应。能定能应,夫是谓之成 人。天见其明,地见其光,君子贵其全也。

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

another 2 cases of fishing law ticket from website

Texas story 1: I Had A Buddy Who Caught A Bull Red Tagged It ,But Did Not Have A Ink Pen In The Boat So He Got A Ticket For That 75 Plus The Bill For $325 To Replace The Fish 400$ Bucks Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Texas story 2 : a buddy get a ticket for keeping an oversized red drum $ 150 fine plus the state sent him a bill for $325 to replace the fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fishing law, a story from internet.

"Went to North Jetty on Saturday with my father, caught two Red Drum over 28 inches near the boat cut. Boarded by the Game Warden and given a ticket for one not being tagged. Anybody knows the fine amount ?? Also I thought a person over 65 was exempt from this law."

Some Replys:

1. Fine $ 219.00 dollars will be real close if the warden gives you a brake.I just paid one on a black drum 1 inch to long measured by my son.I had at that time one of those strips with the numbers on it,and it was hard to acurately measure a big fish in a bouncing boat.All in all the warden was very understanding and talked to me very respectful.You will have to wait a couple of weeks to for the paperwork to get to the judge [appell i think]texas city.

2. If you violate fish and wildlife laws, in addition to civil restitution you may:
be fined (Class C - $25-$500; Class B - $200-$2000; Class A - $500-$4000; State Jail Felony, $1500-$10,000);
be jailed (Class B and higher offenses);
face automatic suspension or revocation of licenses for up to 5 years;
forfeit hunting gear, including firearms, used to commit a violation.CIVIL RESTITUTION: In addition to the criminal penalty for hunting and fishing violations, the department will seek the civil recovery value for the loss or damage to wildlife resources. The civil restitution cost is payable to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and is in addition to the fine assessed by the court. Failure to pay the civil recovery value will result in the department's refusal to issue a license, tag, or permit. An individual who hunts or fishes after the refusal commits a class A misdemeanor which is punishable by a fine not less than $500 or more than $4,000; punishment in jail not to exceed one year; or both fine and confinement. For questions concerning civil restitution call (512) 389-4630.

3. Red Drum Tag:This tag is required for an individual to take one red drum per license year over the maximum length limit of 28 inches, and is included free with the purchase of a saltwater fishing stamp endorsement or any package that includes the saltwater fishing stamp endorsement. See tagging information. Persons who want to obtain a red drum tag and are EXEMPT from fishing license requirements may purchase an Exempt Angler Red Drum Tag for $3.

4. I was fined for having an oversized black drum years ago. The ticket was $218. The fish was still alive and released. So i would imagine close to $200 plus replacement fee which could be a lot more!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

prep cooking Posted by Picasa

May 19, We got several flounders and trout. But mostly we saw a big school of sting ray fighting in the waterm really scared us. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 12, 2006

boat cut in North jetty.2.5 miles walk on rock to here. Posted by Picasa

A good day,ha. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

birds watching Posted by Picasa

sunset another day Posted by Picasa

flounder Posted by Picasa

crabbing with a net Posted by Picasa

sunrise Posted by Picasa

sunset Posted by Picasa

release all black drums more than 30 inch.  Posted by Picasa

exciting and not easy Posted by Picasa

White House in 2005 Posted by Picasa

more than 40 LBs, need 20-30 mins to land it. Posted by Picasa

big texas wild fire near Galveston Posted by Picasa

55 inch shark Posted by Picasa

another rod was fish on again Posted by Picasa